9 Astonishing Books Similar to Rich Dad Poor Dad

9 Astonishing Books Similar to Rich Dad Poor Dad

Robert Kiyosaki’s ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ is a classic must-read-money book one can peruse to get inspired and motivated about building wealth.

We highly recommend you read it in your journey towards financial freedom as it helps set the right foundation for everything finance. But is reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad enough? We think otherwise. Well, we have several phenomenal books on the shelf that one can read to make better financial decisions and build wealth. In this post, we will share nine such self-help books that will push you through to the other side of the quadrant and become financially free. Let’s get started!

Be Obsessed or Be Average is a book that Grant Cardon wrote to share his life story — explaining how he went from being a broke drug addict to becoming a self-made billionaire! The book is a must-have for people that want to gain the knowledge and skills of finance and use it immediately. In this book, Grant stresses two crucial concepts one should have to achieve the set goals — obsession and purpose.

The critical part of the book is the interdependency both concepts have on each other. That’s precisely where Cardone introduces the readers to the ability to stay persistent throughout the journey. The author emphasizes the importance of consistent passion for achieving persistence. He argues that without continuous fuel for one’s obsessions, maintaining perseverance becomes nearly impossible. The level of enthusiasm should not dip no matter where you are on the journey.

“What you pay attention to is what you get. And the more attention you give something, the more you feed it, the stronger and more powerful it grows.– Grant Cardone

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John Bogle’s ‘Little Book, Big Profit’ series is a worthwhile read as it offers some convincing but surprising observations to people looking for tried-and-true investment strategies. As per Bogle, investors that try beating the market often fail and land head first. The most convincing part of the book is that Bogle follows up the logic with plenty of data and cases that will support his claims.

Most importantly, the author has the backing of several heavy-hitting investors like Benjamin Graham and Berkshire Hathaway’s Warren Buffet. It’s a well-written book that keeps the readers interested till the very end. The powerful and insightful explanations with charts, statistics, and real-life scenarios make the book a complete finance resource in itself. The best thing about this book is that each chapter is accompanied by a summary of the lessons Bogle wants to get across.

“Don’t look for the needle in the haystack. Just buy the haystack!– John C. Bogle 

These days it seems like everyone you meet has a strategy to make people rich. The Millionaire Fastlane cuts the noise and explains a better approach to getting wealthy. DeMarco puts the hammer down on concepts like having the right mindset and learning to think about money in a new way.

The book is a perfect start for people that wish to build wealth over time as it helps understand why a high income isn’t the answer to money problems and why people shouldn’t look for the big opportunity. Most importantly, the book lays the foundation for starting your own business and shares some of the most exciting secrets of the entrepreneurial world! DeMarco stresses the new way of building wealth, i.e., finding a good market niche and building a business plan to zero in on the niche. The Millionaire Fastlane will help you build a system that will keep generating money for you!

“There’s a profound difference between interest and commitment. Interest reads a book; commitment applies the book 50 times.– M.J. DeMarco

The Millionaire Next Door has sold over 3 million copies to date and funnily went on to make both the authors millionaires! Stanley contributes to the book with his sheer sense and understanding of how the wealthy (the affluent) function. In the book, he points out the precise reasons why they differ from what he calls UAWs, i.e., the Under Accumulators of Wealth.

The book is an antidote to people that have made wealth-building complicated. It shows that becoming a millionaire is not rocket science and can be done if we avoid a few bad decisions. The Millionaire Next Door shares the three crucial rules to improve your chances of building massive wealth — 1) save responsibly 2) calculate your financial potential, and 3) avoid economic outpatient care (EOC). It’s a more practical finance book that focuses on making people conscious of their life choices and financial decisions. We highly recommend this book to people in their twenties, especially if they are about to start working after college.

“Whatever your income, always live below your means.– Thomas J. Stanley

The book’s title and the cover are quite self-explanatory — the term ‘automatic’ and a beach chair take the readers’ minds to a life where money isn’t a problem anymore. Don’t mistake it for a get-rich-quick guide though. The Automatic Millionaire is a well-written and practical book that pushes the readers toward making better financial decisions. To be precise, the book focuses on putting the money to work in order to generate more money. David Bach divides the book into chapters that guide the readers through different stages, concepts, and strategies for making money work for them.

The information in the book helps us redirect our money automatically to financial opportunities like retirement plans, low-cost index funds, credit card payments, emergency funds, mortgage payments, and automatic tithing. This book is a user-friendly introduction to personal finance. It’s perfect for anyone starting their financial journey.

“Remember, inspiration unused is merely entertainment. To get new results, you need to take new actions.– David Bach

Often referred to as the bible of financial freedom, The Richest Man in Babylon is a book that shares timeless rules of money-making and wealth-building. The book is brimming with insightful stories and lessons that will set you on the right path toward financial freedom. Most importantly, the book will help you understand money better. The short stories teach clean and simple lessons through the life of a man who wants to acquire wealth.

Since the book shows how the man worked hard, learned from his mistakes, and eventually went on to become The Richest Man in Babylon, the readers will find it relatable. This book promises to be a comprehensive financial guide. It covers essential areas like budgeting, investing, risk management, long-term financial planning, and income generation. However, the language and tone used in the book are a bit old. So, you might find it hard to read sometimes. But the timeless principles of money-making are worth the effort.

“Advice is one thing that is freely given away, but watch that you only take what is worth having.– George S. Clason

Here’s a book that would push you to make more money, get rich, and create wealth — all that by making critical lifestyle decisions. This book will force you to reevaluate your current lifestyle. It will expose the hidden costs and false luxuries you may have accepted as normal. Your Money or Your Life is an easy-to-understand book that talks about the value of time and how we can change our lives just by making more mindful lifestyle choices.

The book offers practical guidance on various financial aspects. It covers strategies for increasing income, managing debt, aligning personal values with lifestyle choices, and prioritizing possessions for overall life satisfaction. One of the key concepts in the book is ‘Crossover Point’ which explains to the reader the prospects of retiring early. The very concept of retiring early with more than enough money in the bank account is quite liberating, isn’t it?

“Americans used to be ‘citizens.’ Now we are ‘consumers.– Vicki Robin

Here’s a simple summary of this not-so-simple book — ‘think and get rich.’ Napoleon Hill spent years researching the lives of 500 wealthy individuals. His goal was to uncover the common traits and habits that led to their financial success.

The book walks the reader through 13 steps, each enabling personal enrichment and leaving you wanting for ‘The Secret’ more and more. The steps, originally taught by Andrew Carnegie to Napoleon Hill, were tested by the latter for 20 years over 100,000 men. Think and Grow Rich is brimming with practical scenarios and real-life examples that will motivate you to read through the steps and apply them to become more successful in life.

“Set your mind on a definite goal and observe how quickly the world stands aside to let you pass.– Napoleon Hill

The #1 book in this series is Money: Master the Game, which went on to become a New York Times bestseller — selling more than one million copies in its first year! Another Tony Robbins masterpiece, this book presents the readers with the three biggest financial decisions that will shape their lives and help them grow rich the smarter way. It enables them to pick their financial goals and act accordingly.

Tony Robbins emphasizes a three-bucket system for financial management. This strategy helps people redirect their money towards investment opportunities, ultimately leading to exponential growth. The book deals with numbers and practical calculations that will make you think about your life goals and actions. 

“The secret to wealth is simple: Find a way to do more for others than anyone else does. Become more valuable. Do more. Give more. Be more. Serve more.” – Tony Robbins

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There you have it. We have shared nine personal finance books similar to Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad, Poor Dad. These books were shortlisted in the quest to make our readers become better entrepreneurs and business professionals. Which of the books mentioned above have you already read? Let us know in the comments how those books match with the wisdom shared in Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Did you find this post helpful? Don’t forget to check out other informative posts on the blog!


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