Tag: entrepreneurship

  • 10 Tips On Transitioning From A Novice Entrepreneur To Expert

    10 Tips On Transitioning From A Novice Entrepreneur To Expert

    Starting your own business is a huge decision. It’s never quite a seamless transition from working for someone to hiring people under you. And it doesn’t happen overnight. Many first-time entrepreneurs work on their dream business as a side hustle until they feel ready enough to take the plunge. Others choose to freelance. Freelancing gives…

  • Music Entrepreneur

    Music Entrepreneur

    Here’s the brutal truth about music artists: the vast majority make no money. In days past, it was the record labels with their unfair practices that robbed all but the most successful and admired musicians of a fair income. These days, it’s streaming services like Spotify that do the looting. Consider: the average per-stream payout…

  • 10 Tips For Becoming A Successful Nomad Entrepreneur

    10 Tips For Becoming A Successful Nomad Entrepreneur

    Coronavirus has changed the way we live and work. With ‘work from home’ and ‘remote working’ becoming more popular, the boundaries between work and life are getting blurred. While for some, this might be an unwelcome intrusion into a very carefully carved out work-life balance, for others it can be liberating. Starting your own business…

  • How Much Do Sponsors Pay YouTubers? Get Paid Real Cash For Your Audience

    How Much Do Sponsors Pay YouTubers? Get Paid Real Cash For Your Audience

    It is an interesting question about “how much do sponsors pay Youtubers?” If you start a YouTube channel to earn consistent, predictable income, you might discover that it’s quite challenging. For instance, you could make money through Google Adsense, but it’s pretty unreliable and unpredictable. And you need millions of views before you see any…

  • How Much Does Fiverr Take?

    How Much Does Fiverr Take?

    Fiverr is one of the best-known freelance platforms available. The question is how much does Fivver take? It connects buyers and sellers across multiple industries and the services offered range from digital marketing, writing, and translation to video editing Fiverr, animation, programming, tech, etc. The best part about it is that freelancers can offer services…

  • Easiest Trades To Learn – Qualifying For Trade Jobs

    Easiest Trades To Learn – Qualifying For Trade Jobs

    There is so much pressure on young people to study and perform academically that there is a common belief that you can’t make a decent living without a college degree. That is just not true. Some of the most well-off people I know, work in the construction industry. They didn’t study for years and they…

  • How to Become Wealthy in 5 Years: Become Rich Like In Your Dreams

    How to Become Wealthy in 5 Years: Become Rich Like In Your Dreams

    So, you want to learn how to become wealthy in 5 years and become rich so that you can live the life you always wanted? Becoming wealthy in 5 years is possible if you put in the work.  You can do a few things to speed up the process, such as investing in a solid…

  • Is Being An Entrepreneur Worth It

    Is Being An Entrepreneur Worth It

    You may be thinking about taking the plunge and becoming an entrepreneur. You’re probably inspired by reading stories about entrepreneurs that became hugely successful and the prospect of leaving a dreary job and being your own boss. On the other hand, you may be perturbed by the many stories of startups that fail, and you…

  • Are Entrepreneurs Capitalists?

    Are Entrepreneurs Capitalists?

    Yes, they are but let’s dive deeper into the answer. Let’s now know the answer to, are entrepreneurs capitalists? The terms “entrepreneur” and “capitalist” are often used interchangeably with each other. While there is overlap between the two, they’re not the exact same thing as each other. An entrepreneur is an entrepreneur and a capitalist…

  • Are Entrepreneurs Rich?

    Are Entrepreneurs Rich?

    Entrepreneurs are all supposed to be rolling in money but is that really true? Let’s answer the question, are entrepreneurs rich? When people hear the word “entrepreneur” they tend to think of ultra successful billionaires like Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and Bill Gates. “Entrepreneur” is synonymous with filthy rich for a lot of people. But…

  • What Is The Life Of An Entrepreneur Like? How To Excel As One.

    What Is The Life Of An Entrepreneur Like? How To Excel As One.

    The life of an entrepreneur is an unpredictable road, with many failures, especially at the beginning.  Below is a story of one particular entrepreneur which has many great learnings. Reid Hoffman, the founder of LinkedIn Reid, a motivated young entrepreneur was sure he would find success after graduating university. He jumped into his own tech…

  • Can Anyone Be An Entrepreneur?

    Can Anyone Be An Entrepreneur?

    If you want to know if anyone can be an entrepreneur, there’s one thing you need to realize: Being an entrepreneur is not easy and very few succeed spectacularly. In fact, 90% of new ventures fail and being at the helm of a startup is not nearly as glamorous as you might think. So, what…