Tag: entrepreneurship

  • Can Entrepreneurs Make Millions?

    Can Entrepreneurs Make Millions?

    The stereotype that all entrepreneurs are rich strikes again!   Every entrepreneur that has ever existed in the entire history of humanity has been filthy rich, right? Every ad you see on YouTube claims that being an entrepreneur and starting a business of your own is the fastest as well as easiest way to become a…

  • How to Become An Entrepreneur At 18

    How to Become An Entrepreneur At 18

    Entrepreneurship is more popular than ever. There are 582 million entrepreneurs in the world and more are ready to join their ranks. Research from Junior Achievement (JA) and Ernst & Young (EY) reveals that 41 percent of teens would rather become an entrepreneur than work in a traditional job. In fact, 61 percent of teen…

  • Are Business Cards Still Relevant In 2024?

    Are Business Cards Still Relevant In 2024?

    Are business cards still a good idea today? Not really… but also yes.   A sizable number of people in the business world still use business cards by default but that number is steadily decreasing every year. That makes sense though, doesn’t it? With the internet and websites like LinkedIn around, you don’t really need to…

  • 5 Impressive Entrepreneurs That Have Elon Musk-like Qualities!

    5 Impressive Entrepreneurs That Have Elon Musk-like Qualities!

    Elon Musk is a highly driven, visionary, and futuristic entrepreneur that has successfully built companies like PayPal, SpaceX, Tesla, SolarCity, and Hyperloop. Read on as we reveal 5 impressive entrepreneurs that have Elon Musk-like qualities! He’s a major inspiration for many entrepreneurs and business owners across the world. But, there are several other entrepreneurs that…

  • How Leadership Helps In Business

    How Leadership Helps In Business

    Leadership and entrepreneurship go together. Learn how leadership helps in business in 2024! It’s no coincidence that the greatest of entrepreneurs are also inspirational leaders. Leadership and innovation go hand in hand. Building a successful business is about setting the right trends and inspiring and motivating people.  You can create a business idea through your…

  • How Can An Entrepreneur Use Technology?

    How Can An Entrepreneur Use Technology?

    In an increasingly digital world, we are living in what could be observed as the golden age of tech. The development and progress are quite overwhelming and fast if you follow the news media with a close eye. Learn how can entrepreneur use technology! From eCommerce, blockchain, neural networks, smart AI chat assistants, and robotics, all…

  • An Entrepreneur Would Most Likely Be Interested In

    An Entrepreneur Would Most Likely Be Interested In

    An entrepreneur, by definition, is an individual who is willing to take on the risks of a business. Therefore, they are creative people who are interested in developing innovative strategies designed for an effective outcome. With this in mind, they have the power to solve interpersonal and societal problems with outstanding solutions. Irrespective of the…

  • How Do Entrepreneurs Make Money?

    How Do Entrepreneurs Make Money?

    Entrepreneurs are supposed to be incredibly wealthy… but how exactly do they make their money? No, entrepreneurs don’t steal from the poor and downtrodden. Entrepreneurs make money by starting a business and then selling a product or service to make money. That’s a pretty good summary of how entrepreneurs make money. But that doesn’t really…

  • Entrepreneur vs. Business Owner: How Deep Do The Differences Go

    Entrepreneur vs. Business Owner: How Deep Do The Differences Go

    You already know that both entrepreneurs and business owners run a business, sell products or services, and employ people. That much is clear, but how do you differentiate between them? Learn the difference between entrepreneur vs. business owner! It’s simple, just answer this question: What do all great entrepreneurs have in common?  Think of Henry…

  • Lifestyle Entrepreneur: Everything You Need To Know

    Lifestyle Entrepreneur: Everything You Need To Know

    A lifestyle entrepreneur is somebody that chooses their business path for the sole purpose of living a specific lifestyle. People subjectively define the term “lifestyle,” but it generally refers to someone who can work remotely, typically using a laptop from anywhere in the world they choose. People that choose this path are making lifestyle their…

  • 14 Side Hustles For Moms That Don’t Require Additional Education or Training: The Best Mom Side Hustle List

    14 Side Hustles For Moms That Don’t Require Additional Education or Training: The Best Mom Side Hustle List

    Side hustles for moms are becoming increasingly popular as more and more women look for ways to supplement their income and achieve financial independence. The demands of motherhood often require a flexible schedule, making it challenging to take on a full-time job. Discover 14 side hustles for moms that don’t require additional education or training! Fortunately,…

  • Are Entrepreneurs Born Or Made?

    Are Entrepreneurs Born Or Made?

    There’s a deep, philosophical question for you. Are entrepreneurs born or made? And the answer is… it’s complicated. Depending on who you ask, you’re either born an entrepreneur or you’re not and there’s a mysterious “entrepreneurship gene” that you have to be born with. Some people would hear that answer, say it’s complete nonsense and then…