Tag: lifestyle

  • How To Maintain Energy Levels Throughout The Day

    How To Maintain Energy Levels Throughout The Day

    Feeling tired is a feature of modern life. It’s so common that the answer to the most common greeting phrase has changed for many people. “How are you today?”  “Tired, and you?”  And when last have you gotten out of bed totally refreshed from the night’s sleep? I bet you can’t remember when. And when…

  • How Much Overtime Is Too Much?

    How Much Overtime Is Too Much?

    Are you working too much? Learn how much overtime is too much! Yes, times are tough and you definitely need the extra cash. But working all of that extra overtime will mean nothing if you end up working yourself straight into the hospital… or worse. Overworked straight into an early grave.  So are you working hard…

  • 7 Best Business Movies On Netflix!

    7 Best Business Movies On Netflix!

    As an aspiring entrepreneur, you are brimming with ideas about your new startup. You are reading books, networking with like-minded entrepreneurs, and attending the right talks and events. To cut the long story short, you are doing it all. But hey, even entrepreneurs deserve a break once in a while. And what better way to…

  • Lifestyle Entrepreneur: Everything You Need To Know

    Lifestyle Entrepreneur: Everything You Need To Know

    A lifestyle entrepreneur is somebody that chooses their business path for the sole purpose of living a specific lifestyle. People subjectively define the term “lifestyle,” but it generally refers to someone who can work remotely, typically using a laptop from anywhere in the world they choose. People that choose this path are making lifestyle their…

  • 25 Healthy Lifestyle Habits That Don’t Cost A Fortune

    25 Healthy Lifestyle Habits That Don’t Cost A Fortune

    Everyone thinks that being healthy has to be expensive and that’s not true. These are 25 healthy lifestyle habits that don’t cost a fortune! Sure, if you have a ton of money to spend, you can totally go all out and spend a fortune on your health. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t be…